We have about 4 feet of snow outside right now, but it’s actually above freezing, which always reminds me that–yes it’s a stretch but wait for it–I should be promoting my sites. Some promotion days I get the fever and cruise through various cheap and free directories that radiate link juice like a hot water baseboard heater radiates heat. Other days I cruise through the offers (I get offers!) from other sites that want to exchange links. Occasionally I get a notice from a new listing service, like Blog This Here, that is so new it doesn’t have pagerank yet. But it looks good, and someone is obviously going after good links from the blogs that list there, so it could develop into something decent.
Like, once upon a time, Loaded Web was a nobody listing service with low page rank, and I jumped in, gave them a link, as did many other people, and now they have a page rank 5 and they’re sending me all kinds of link juice.
On these warm winter days when there’s nothing much to do–since I ski like a mangled ball of pizza tumbling down the mountain–I try to look into other promotion possibilities that I’ve noted on the In-N-Out Burger post it notes we brought from California to this winter wonderland. One such note said “Get your blog on Kindle.”
Now you can join the tens of other people who have viewed the option to read this blog on Kindle and then moved on to something more interesting. To get your own blog published on Kindle, just fill out this form. Hey, at the very least, you have the possibility of picking up readers. And, you get 30% of the revenue.
I’m looking forward to the day I can get my car washed monthly based on the Kindle readership revenue.
Be sure to add a screen grab, as I have. I tried to slip the URL into the caption, but I don’t see it coming up. In fact, current screen grabs are always a good idea for promotion, especially if you have a good looking blog like this one!
Those are just a couple of ideas for promoting your blog on these warm winter days when your snowed in and watching the sheets slide off the roof. There are plenty of others. I love to just poke around, reading what I find interesting, then offering to exchange blog roll links with writers who I enjoy.
Sometimes if you just leave comments on a cool blog for a while, assuming you say something clever, not too ass-kissery, and you say it often enough, you’ll get a link from that blog, like I did from Whiskey Fire!